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ESG Consultancy
ESG consultancy, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance consultancy, plays a pivotal role in guiding businesses towards sustainable practices and responsible corporate behavior. In an era where stakeholders increasingly value companies that prioritize ethical, social, and environmental considerations, ESG consultancy has emerged as a strategic partner for organizations seeking to align their operations with broader societal goals.

Gadiel assess current practices, identify areas for improvement, and develop tailored strategies for sustainable growth. Gadiel guide companies in implementing environmentally friendly policies, fostering social responsibility, and enhancing governance structures. By providing expertise on ESG reporting and disclosure, Gadiel enable businesses to communicate their commitment transparently, attracting socially responsible investors.

LIFE CYCLE Consultancy :
Complete life cycle consultancy aims to ensure that each phase of a product or project is well-managed, efficient, and aligned with the organization's goals. It emphasizes sustainability, adaptability, and the long-term success of initiatives. This approach is particularly relevant in industries where products or projects have extended life spans, and careful management is essential for success.

Ultimately, Gadiel empower companies to align with ethical, environmental, and social standards, ensuring long-term success in a responsible and sustainable manner.
ESG Auditing
Environmental Auditing : This involves reviewing a company's impact on the environment, including its resource usage, waste management, and efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. The audit may assess compliance with environmental regulations and the implementation of sustainable practices.

Social Auditing : Social audits focus on the company's relationships with its employees, customers, communities, and other stakeholders. It evaluates diversity and inclusion practices, labor conditions, community engagement, and other social impact factors.

Governance Auditing : Governance audits examine the internal structures and processes that guide decision-making within a company. This includes the composition and effectiveness of the board of directors, executive compensation, adherence to ethical standards, and overall corporate governance practices.
ESG Tool - IBM Envizi
Capture your ESG data in a single system of record with ESG reporting software
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  A1/132, LGF, Safdarjung enclave,
Delhi - 110029 India

Ensuring trust and peace of mind through exceptional quality, unprecedented commitment, value-added service and irresistible prices to our esteemed clients.